
Social Platforms Automation - Starter Kit for WhatsApp Chatbot

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Social Platforms Automation - Starter Kit for WhatsApp Chatbot


Starter Kit for WhatsApp Chatbot using Twilio


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Conversational chatbots are the trend of the modern world. Virtual assistants are as relevant these days as human assistants. A Chatbot can help people shop, order food, entertain, provide help, advice, information, support and more, through a simple chat interface, and the inspiration to come up with such a project is to automate such processes which will help human beings save their time while getting done with a meaningful conversation.

What it does

This collection of APIs covers WhatsApp automation processes. You will be able to send automated messages using the WhatsApp platform to any of the registered user of the bot.

All the APIs are integrated with the using third-party APIs such as knowing the Twitter v2 APIs, Weather, Stock Market, Google Search, Youtube Search, Giphy Search, Calendar API, Integration with AWS SDK where a user can upload images.

There are several WhatsApp commands which the user can send to the bot and bot will respond with the data asked by the user. For eg. command send to WhatsApp, "google: nelson Mandela", Our WhatsApp bot will show the first result of the search from google to our bot user.

Currently, this automation is available for Whatsaap, but the best part about this chatbot is - not only WhatsApp, but you will also be able to automate other social media platforms, as well.

How I built it

I have used software which helps users to send and received messages on WhatsApp. I have used Node.js, MongoDB, AWS-SDK, Twitter APIs, etc.. for third party integration which automates most of our processes.

Accomplishments that I am proud of

I am proud of the automation part of this project which is pulled off, and the ability of this app which provides us to integrate a variety of social media platforms within our application.

I am now able to integrate all such platforms with the ability to automate the messages to send to its users, and also on different channels

  • Telegram
  • Slack
  • Discord
  • Facebook Messenger

I am proud to offer a chatbot starter template that is the result of over 100 hours of work and several weeks of development. This template has been extensively tested and is sure to save you a significant amount of time if you are planning to build or experiment with your own chatbot projects.

With tens of thousands of lines of code written over a six-month period, this chatbot template is a comprehensive and reliable solution for automating processes on various social media platforms. Please note that some of the dependencies in this template may be using older versions.

We are confident that our chatbot starter template will be a valuable resource for developers looking to streamline their work and save time on chatbot projects. Thank you for considering our template for your chatbot development needs.

What's next for Social Platform Automation - Chatbot

Social Platform Automation will now look forward to integrating a customer service portal which automates customers queries via Voice chat, and SMS. Such a system will allow customers to connect on any platform of their choice and connect them with the backend which serves a single purpose to solve different consumer problems. Would like to find support for partnerships with companies who would like to automate social platforms.

Built With

This starter kit is made for demo and use purposes as a way to kickstart your own project. No responsibility is made for debugging, bugs, security or issues which will need to be applied at your applied as your responsibility.


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